So I've wanted to begin blogging for quite some time now. I have an addiction to really everything social media so this was the next eventual step. Into the rabbit hole I go. This blog will explore things that (as the name of the blog title states) I think are pretty rad. Shall we start with a definition of "rad?"
"Rad": An abbreviation
of 'radical'--a term made popular by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Still primarily used by people on the West Coast who find words like
'cool', 'awesome', and 'tight' to be tired and overused; 'rad' is
generally considered to be a much higher praise than the aforementioned
superlatives. Also used as a general expression of awe. "Those are some
rad shoes." "Oh, RAD."
(Thanks Urban Dictionary)
Now that we have that straightened out, welcome to my blog. Looking forward to sharing my thoughts about fashion, home decor, travel, and anything else I find rather rad.
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